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Dee Sa | 08:04 Wed 19th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
some advice pls as I am new to all this bidding lark.
There is a coat I like on Ebay with 2 days left for bidding they are asking£25 and there are no bids, I have already bought 1 coat so now my budget is limited, should I contact the buyer and offer £20 or is that insulting or should I wait until one hour before auction closes and wait and see if anyone offers the asking price ?


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If the min bid price is £25 then that is it. You could message them and offer £20 but they would need to lower the start price . If it is £25 buy it now or best offer you can make the offer of £20 .
unless it says "buy it now or best offer", it means that they want at least 25 for it. IMO if it goes unsold, you could contact them then. The thing is that things often go up and up in the last minutes, so an hour before she prob wont say yes
as an example, i sold a jacket last week and started the bidding at £50. There were no bids for 6 out of the 7 days. Then there was a bid for £50 for the last day till the last seconds when it went up to £175
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thanks to all I think I best leave well alone anif thre are no bids then I will contact.
click 'watch this item' and if it is unsold you will be told if they relist!

btw, what is the postage?
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cath postage s £4.75 which is reasonable for a winter coat.

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