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Jimi Hendrix

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butcherbilly1324 | 11:02 Wed 19th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
For Sir Alec, I have not been around for a while due to ill health, but i am fighting this thing, just listened to purple haze that you posted sooooo good,
did you know that gary moore did a tribute CD and dvd of jimi"s music, being released towards the end of this month, i have pre ordered the dvd.
Rock on cheers Billy...


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I'll be ordering that.

I was a huge Gary Moore fan but, sadly, my last memory of him will be from the High Voltage Festival at Victoria Park in London the summer before this one. He just didn't give a damn and was clearly going through the motions. Not the way I wanted to remember him.
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Aye duncer, i have been a fan of gary moore for years saw him play in the town hall in Aberdeen very good concert.
I've seen many great Moore nights, that's why HV was so sad.
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We are very restricted with seeing big names up here in north scotland they dont come up this far..
Saw Neil Young there a few years back and he was magnificent. I'm lucky as I'm equidistant from Glasgow and Embra.
just thought I'd thank you both, I've googled and had completely forgotten what a great guitarist he was.
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Great to hear from you alba gary moore was a fine player..

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