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There is not enough bacardi in this village

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dotty. | 22:25 Wed 19th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
to make me debate in religion and t'other thing.


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I've got Bacardi Dot, how strong do you like it.?
Puke juice, pure and simple.

Give me an XO Armagnac,please.
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as long as the bat is the right way up that'll do me.
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there's an advert for Breaking Bad on my AB page, i've got the DVD of season 1 here , excellent show.
DT. Did I not read this was the first drink you threw up on? Mine was cheap Brandy and Coke 1969. I was ill for 4 days. Never touched it since.
correct, Jeza - can only drink it when it's masked in coconut milk and pineapple juice or something like that
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funnily enough mine was bacardi too, back in 1979, but i had taken 6 pain killers, what was the name of that really strong painkiller they used to prescribe back in the 70s but it's banned now. not cocaine.
maybe it was the Coke though? In Nigeria they drink the Fine Champagne Brandy (40%) and Coke the rest, no ice........yeeeuck.
Distalgesic (sp) Dot commonly called DG's
Bacardi was the first drink I puked on as well. I can't even bare the smell.
goodness me, join the "Club", ummmm!
Bell's Whisky was mine, can't stand the stuff now. But I do like Famous Grouse different taste altogether.
The Brandy I threw up on was called Derochers (sp). I was in Germany and young and foolish.
I got drunk on red wine in Germany. I was only 13...where were the teachers?? Oh yeah, getting drunk in a different bar.
Sounds as if you've had too much bacardi, dotty!
Sounds about the same as me umm. I was in the eiffel valley. Teachers were 'busy' with the locals.
Mine was in Yorkshire - first drink in Bradford in a pub just up from one of the Boys Clubs that the school supported. It was one of those "rituals" and we went in and probably asked for four halves of lager. The landlady wasn't going to serve us but the landlord intervened: "It's only 6pm and it's one of those passing out things. Serve them and they'll be out of here in ten minutes." Was 14.....don't think that would happen today.
I lived in a pub and it was only those two occasions I drank. The next drink I had was on my 21st birthday.

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There is not enough bacardi in this village

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