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Visas and Criminal Record

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kloofnek | 15:03 Wed 19th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
My friend`s daughter went to jail for 6 weeks ( a driving offence)and then was tagged for a few weeks.
Would this mean she will never be able to go to the United States,or maybe any other country where a visa is required?
Or is the "ban" only for a certain number of years


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Not banned for life , but getting the Visa will involve some extra hassle and cost.

Did the driving offence involve drink ?
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yeah Paul McCartney does it all the time
his was called the frog song
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It was drink driving...apparently had a row with her boyfriend ,snatched his car keys ,a rather high powered one at that ,and drove off.There was a cop car cruising in the you can guess the rest.
The judge made an example of her so to speak...even the prosecuting barrister thought it very harsh...
But we know the law can be an a** at times.
other countries she will be fine but the US is tricky ...

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Visas and Criminal Record

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