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he was 32, why wouldn't he be married, it could have only enhanced is life, but of course it then raises the claim to descendants doesn't it? he was a capricorn and they are naturally physical. marriage = offspring and that's what the church would not want you to consider.
Mrs Overall?
there is a theory that Jesus had a daughter and after he died they[ mother, daughter and Joseph] left the Middle East and went to Europe where they were treated as royalty.Read all this somewhere a while back.
Isn't there a secret society dedicated to protecting the holy blood line?
third one from the left.
Opus Dei? Sandy......
The Davinci Code, life imitating art.
"Wolf-Peter Funk, a noted Coptic linguist attending the same conference"

Now THAT'S a name! It's awesome! Fancy being called Wolf Funk?!
There must ba a mother-in-law joke hiding in that papyrus somewhere ...
I do use my real name of Aardvark Disco at times B00 ....
I think that the Royals may be the descendants of Jesu & Mary Magdalene. It stands to reason that the secret society, made up of the most powerful and wealthy in the land, would see that the reverence shown to them, even by atheists, would make the task of protecting the Holy Blood easier.

Opus Dei is a laudable group chiefly concerned with the saving of souls.
sorry, but it doesn't compete with a manly name like Wolf Funk now does it? Mr Disco?
You should see my mate Dingo s'Kidney ...
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"Opus Dei is a laudable group chiefly concerned with the saving of souls."

Do you partake in the self-flagellation yourself Sandy?
No. A hair shirt is enough for me. And if I'm feeling particularly masochistic I just come onto R&S for a while.
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That should do it......................

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Who Is Mrs Jesus?

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