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TWR | 19:24 Thu 20th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
The report Say's regarding the death of the two W.P.O. in M/Chester was the result of two families fighting! would it not be a solution to remove one family completely out of the area?


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My sister lives in Sydney, there are plenty of issues with anti-social behaviour there. Her other half is built like a brick sh!t house and he doesn't like his area at night. They certainly don't 'just move the families'... especially not if they own their own homes.
It's nowhere near that simple a problem, we have local gun/gang crime teams round here for a reason. It won't just be restricted to family and grudges run deep and wouldn't be solved by a bit of distance, people and weapons travel. I can't see any of them agreeing to move in the first place, territory is a pretty big thing.

There are quite a few shootings round here, many involve grudges. I had bullet holes in my back window when I moved in my current place (next to Moss Side) and there are gang issues round here and a number of shootings round where I work recently and a gangland execution a few years back in broad daylight - a lot seem to be in pubs (a bit part of the territory) though many of them are then shut down right or soon after (The Wellington, Brasshandles), not sure about a recent one by Salford Quays and the pub where the initial shooting Dale Cregan was involved in.

Fear is another problem (and, I hate to say it, the "status" of some of these animals). What horrifies, yet doesn't surprise me, about this case is that people had seen Cregan out and about when he was "on the run". It's another common theme round here, was a problem with an Anju Bidve shooting and the currently, so far as I know, unsolved pub shooting of Lee Erdington and others.

There is also the gang aspect, more recently round here Somali gangs though they are mainly, gang wise, shooting at each other but there are tragedies where innocents end up involved like Jessie James (another one where fear and silence is an issue).

I remember a few years back two Moss Side gangs running into each other outside where I used to work and a shoot off, one got shot in the leg. That was in the city centre at a lunchtime.
I know that my little corner of the country is quiet - but I didn't realise exactly how quiet until I read all the posts.

We get murders but usually it is a mix of drugs, booze and family fights.
What report are you quoting TWR?
You say the Councils could sort it, do you know for sure these people are Council Tenants, some people rent from private Landlords and some people have the sheer brass neck to actually own their own homes.
If you could tell us which report, it would give us a better chance to understand your somewhat badly thought out OP.
if they are drug crime families, they probably have a lot of money
TWR, you post on a 'chat' site, and you do raise some good points at times, although you never provide a link to the report/article to which you refer, which would make it easier for others to comprehend how/why your views were formed, and heaven forbid, if someone does not agree with your opinion, rather than discuss it, which is what the site is for afterall, you get shirty with us and flounce.
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Do you not listen to the news? although drugs have not been mentioned, £ to a penny there are involved, I watch the daily / evening news, they can't be wrong! or are they, regards moving people, the UK is a large place! from Dover to Manchester, from Aberdeen to Liverpool, if these scrotes were separated there is a chance that the area would become civil again, if they are allowed to live next door to each other what chance has decent people got.
Have you found out whether they own their houses or are council tenants?

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