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dame katie holmes

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Connemmara | 00:11 Sat 22nd Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
just watched piers morgan and she - I think there were missing links. What happened to her dad and mom ( white dad) who was good to her. At the end of interview piers asked are you good with your mum she said she was good - Are the white mom and dad not together. Sorry for being intrusive/nosy


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Dame Kellie ?
Watch it again Connemmara online and you'll follow it again second time over.
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maidup I have watched it twice on utv and utvplus one - not being cruel - have enough on my plate - just wanted to know is with her mum and dad or have original dad and mum split up - that is all i wanted to know
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no answer here - the other thing I dont really watch on line is never usually subtitled. thanks anyway

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