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Andrew "Thrasher" Mitchell. He could call someone a *+"*, or even a *******, but why is 'pleb'...

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sandyRoe | 11:11 Sun 23rd Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
...a no-no?
It just seems an abbreviation of 'plebeian', of the people.


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...One of the common people of ancient Rome wasn't he/she? A commoner in fact...:-)....maybe I shoul change my name to The Pleb!

The URBAN dictionary gives what might beseen as a more modern definiton viz...

1)one who's inferior intelligence results in them making a complete titface out of themselves in public

2)one who has had their brain replaced with a small cucumber whilst visiting the doctor for a routine check up.

Maybe he was using that definition ;-)
Apparently, calling someone a Berk is much worse.....
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A Berkshire Hunt, cockney rhyming slang. I can see why that might offend.
But Mitchell appears to view himself as a Patrician, so calling lesser mortals plebs wouldn't seem odd to him.

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Andrew "Thrasher" Mitchell. He could call someone a *+"*, or even a *******, but why is 'pleb'...

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