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accomodation crises

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slinky.kate | 15:30 Sun 16th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
son away back to dundee for another week,BUT he cant get any accomodation anywhere unless he pays a couple hundred quid which he cant afford,he ha tried b&b,hotels,hostels,caravan parks,looks like he will be sleepiong in the car tonight


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Oh gawd slinky, I thought he was sorted with a B & B.
Question Author
they doubled the price when he phoned and they were also fully booked,he said it was crap anyways,but would have done for another couple of weeks,a flat will be available shortly though tony,its just such a worry when its your kids isnt it.
Yes it is slinky.
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he managed to get something tony,£35 a night
Glad he's got somewhere Slinky and not in the car. x
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he moved in to his new flat last night so i'll hear all about it when he finishes work
Excellent slinky.
Good news and a relief for you too Slinky. x
Question Author
i am sleeping a lot better
Yep, I bet your much relieved now ain't ya, slinky.

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accomodation crises

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