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giveup | 18:01 Mon 24th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Has anyone else had a problem getting on this site today.


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All fine here.
No problems for me..............
No number on my paper and a contact number/link for support on the web page. I think they are putting up the amount of points needed for each redemption, plus they promised a bnus 100 points for entering numbers Mon-Fri this week.
Sorry forgot the O. Lousy keyboard.
No I've just been there.
Got that sirP. They were supposed to be open for business as normal as the new way will allow. Sat and Sun was no prob
I had to access it through the link in the email I received from them.
Well well, all is sorted now. I answered a question online and they put the numbers in atomically.
There was no number printed in my copy, but no problems getting on the site and they credited my account.
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I got on over the weekend,but having problems today.Will try again.
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Just tried again and got straight on. Not sure about this daily thing.
Well it seems to be working alright,... My paper had no number either ! The routine to inform them worked fine, answered question and 10 points credited automatically. Wonder just how many numbers were missing?

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