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joggerjayne | 10:52 Tue 25th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Just heard a woman on Radio4 talking about the Page3 debate.

She was asked if the paper got most of its money from copy sales, or from advertising revenue?

She said that "mid market newspapers like this" rely on advertising, although The Sun does have a big circulation.

The Sun ... " mid market" ???

I'd love to see her continuum, LOL LOL ... !

(I wonder if she puts The Guardian at the bottom end??)


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..mmm...think the only national "Black tops" are the Daily Mail and the Daily Express,...the Sun is a tabloid and in the lowest level of the three level continuum.....or so I am lead to believe....:-)
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Next to the bottom jj.. here's a list...

I remember that old joke about which demographic group reads which paper:

The Times - by the Nobility and Leaders of the Country
The Financial Times - by the Bankers of the Country
The Daily Telegraph - by the Landowners of the Country
The Guardian - by the Civil Servants of the Country
The Independent - by the University Lecturers and Thinkers of the Country
The Daily Express - by the wives of the Land Owners of the Country
The Daily Mail - by the wives of the Civil Servants and Mid Management Morning Star - by those who want the Country to be run by another Country
The Mirror - by the Blue Collar and lower admin of the Country
The Sun - don't care how the Country is run as long as she has big tits.
(Morning Star - a para didn't take)
Yes Trigger. 2012 sales... Sun 2,500,000
Daily Mail 1,945,000
Daily Mrror 1,103,000 all approx.
slip of the tongue maybe. The traditional division is into broadsheets, blacktop tabloids and redtops. If the Sun is mid-market I don't know what you'd consider downmarket.
Sorry Maizi,submitted before I read your link.
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Aah, right ... Mid market in terms of circulation.

I thought she was making a class judgment.
No worries dennis x
it's not mid-market in circulation, it's the market leader. (The News of the World used to sell more but it was a Sunday).

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