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Not sure where to post this - so here goes ........

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Gizmonster | 10:12 Wed 26th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Hey, I'm your teacher,
And this is crazy,
But here's my car keys,
Let's go to Calais.

All the policemen,
They try to chase me,
So don't look up at,
That camera baby.


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What is it?
a joke?
a poem?
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Sing it in the tune of Call Me Maybe, by Carly Rae Jepson:

the chorus is at 0:28 ........
just bad taset really, isn't it
*taste* even
If I said where to post it..I'd most likely get suspended..!
Why not just sit on it.
Question Author
Hey peeps - I am in no way condoning what the teacher Jeremy Forrest and his pupil Megan Stammers have done.
I'm merely making light of the situation, so if this offends anyone, then I appologise :)

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Not sure where to post this - so here goes ........

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