A man was walking through Chinatown when he noticed a sign reading: "Hans Schmidt's Chinese Laundry."
Being of a curious nature, he entered and was greeted by an old Oriental man who identified himself as Hans Schmidt.
"How come you have a name like that?" inquired the stranger.
"Is simple," says the old Oriental man.
"Many, many year ago when come to this country, stand in immigration line behind a big German guy. Immigration lady look at him and go, "What your name?"
Oh dear! LOL. There is or was a Chinese restaurant in Dublin called by some Irish name, like Murphy's (I forget which). I ate there once and asked why it had that name and the man said 'Because everybody knows it is a Chinese restaurant" An Irish reply from a Chinese Irishman! It hadn't been Chinese before, but nobody could be bothered to rename it and pay for a new sign when it changed hands and became Chinese.
there used to be a chinese restaurant in york called "Stanley's".
Stanley was indeed chinese (from Hong Kong), but he spoke like Geoff Boycott.