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The best horror film

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Deore | 19:34 Fri 11th Jul 2003 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers
What is the best / your favourate horror film ever?


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The Changeling. The ball bouncing down the stairs and the little boy in the bath, realhide behind the cushion time.
One of my faves is (John Carpenter's) Prince of Darkness - I think it's the juxtaposition of science and the supernatural that does it for me. I also like The Legend of Hell House for much the same reasons.
Oooh, I'd forgotten The Changeling. That's a damned scary film. That banging on the sides of the bath. I'm coming out in goosebumps just thinking about it *blush*
The omen - there's a kid down the road just like him, just the name Damien sends a chill down my neck
The Haunting (original version). Watched with a friend many years ago and have never been able to have my hands hanging out of bed ever since .And the sound of banging on doors gives me shivers.
Agree with Banana, but my fave / best is 'Dead Of Night' made in the late 1940's. I saw it at about the age of nine, and it's given me a morbid dislike of puppets and dummies that lasts to this day. Deja vu anyone?
i didnt get into horror films until a bored afternoon with nothing i wanted to see at the cinema but nothing else to do so we decided to see '28 days later', that blew me away. it's in my top ten favourite films and has started me watching all sorts of horror films since, i shall watch this thread with interest and get all these films out from the local video shop. the best horror film ive seen since this awakening has been 'the shining'.
The Exorcist when it was first released. The Haunting of Hill House (BW dogs running down corridors, doors breathing, spiral wrought iron staircase, door knobs tuning) The Shinning. Any of the Hammer Horror films on friday nights back in the 70's on HTV/UTV. Used to run up the stairs to bed after those.
have you ever heard the rumour about most of the cast from the exorcist dying from freak accidents? does anyone know if thats true?
My vote is for "Dead of Night" too. Like Andy I've been left with a lifelong horror of ventriloquist's dummies. Room for one more inside.
The Ring, the Japanese version, a tad slow but the final moments scared the bejaysus out of me.
Re 'Dead of Night', I agree with what's been said - and what about the ending of the film too? Stunning when you see it the first time. I would also like to mention 'Night of the Demon' (1957). The demon itself looks a little dated by today's standards, although adequately scary, but the build-up of tension throughout the film is what makes it for me. A great performance by Niall MacGinnis as the sorcerer - urbane but sinister . Based on a classic M.R James story, of course, involving a demon being set on to whoever possesses a piece of paper with a runic inscription. The scene on the train with the hero attempting to return the paper to the sorcerer so that the demon will get HIM instead is worthy of Alfred Hitchcock.
house on haunted hill the remake especially the vat of blood and the technician getting his face eaten off!or thirteen ghosts again remake decent scary stuff i like the bit where one of the guys gets spliced in half like a salami sausage.
I have seen hundreds of Horror films, I tend to like the 70 explotation stuff like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, cannibal holocaust or Driller Killer etc. But I do find The Prince of Darkness to be the most scary, cant stand the bit at the end where the shadow figure is in the door way. Treaclefight yes 28 Days Later is a great film, also have a go at Dog Soldiers a really good film but loads of gore (not a problem for me)
Puppet Master - I'm absolutely terrified of dolls and this scared the living daylights out of me!!! Funniest horror i ever saw was Fiend without a face which is old B movie with sound effects generated by people eating apples - well that's what it sounds like!
Halloween and Prince of Darkness. John Carpenter is the king of horror-film directors, and these are two of his best.
I'm not really a fan of the genre in general, but I saw The Ring (the American remake) this year and it was good. I haven't watched a film that genuinely made me freeze to the chair with fear before. It's a proper psychological horror film - not gory which generally turns out to be totally unscary, in my opinion. I actually found myself trying to avoid being near a television when it came to 7 days after watching the film :) If you've seen it you'll know what I mean. I really want to watch the Japanese original, especially since it was mentioned here.
The Changeling for sure!
Ive got a few Horror movies i like but i recently saw "The Wicker man" with Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward it's not that its scary but it's got a darkside to the storyline.

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