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The big one again

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wendilla | 22:39 Sat 29th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
If you look out now there is a green and purple halo round it . And I have not been at the bottle. Never seen that before.


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You can see it here compared to the first photo on the last post,
that's windolene wendilla
It looks like the effect you got 30 years ago when you turned off the TV.
Still too cloudy here to see anything.
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lol dotty
Can see the large moon but no halo Wendilla. My Mum says it's a "Harvest Moon" what is that? Maybe she thinks that, as it's our Harvest festival tomorrow at Church LOL :)
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This weekend's full Moon is the Harvest Moon, the full Moon closest to the autumnal equinox. Before electric lights, farmers working after sunset relied on the light of the Harvest Moon to help them gather ripening autumn crops. Now it's just a pretty sight. Look east for the Harvest moonrise on Saturday night.

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The big one again

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