Hi Factor30, I noticed that people are saying a new Crossword section, but
that has been there for a year or two now, they just moved Riddles up, but
I have always found that I get a reply quicker on here, I've mentioned this
Hope you are well. I am tired and am going to bed, more than likely shall see you all tomorrow with Daily Record.
Hi Squarebear, I am always saying to scroll down, but my
laptop is very slow and I am very tired, this is the first time
I have not scrolled, I deserve to be told off.
Am going to bed, hope to see you all tomorrow. DV
The idea seems to be that Crosswords is now a section on its own below Q&P rather than a subsection of Q&P as many quiz fans (eg charity quizzers) found the section was taken over by crossword clues at weekends. I think Crosswords will eventually move up the list into its correct position alphabetically. Previously Crosswords was just a subsection and as such was not visible to many users which is why many people went to Q&P
I am sure squarebear wasn't telling you off tony- it was just a tip as many people are not aware of how good the search box is. Similarly I was just pointing the change out because I think you'll find Crosswords is quickly becoming established as a separate section.
Enjoy your rest- I'm off too now.
No I wasn't telling you off at all. I am always happy to help and was just helping you to find your answer with another resource in case nobody knew it.