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OMG Animal farm in reality.
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It's a pity that Alfred Hitchcock is no longer with us. I'd love to watch the movie!
I suspect that this happens more often than we hear about
That is scary, I think I read about something like this happening in a book.
I wonder if there was a fight to see who eats his saugage?
My Dad used to keep about 200 pigs every summer. Following on from the previous thread about this, I still think this whole scenario is ridiculous.
That article mentions that the sow bit the farmer because he stepped on her piglet. That`s understandable. Boars will butt someone too if they feel threatened but just because a pig bites someone, it doesn`t mean it will eat someone. That`s ridiculous
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I'm tempted to agree but the link is to the BBC website (not Fox News, or similar), which suggests that it might be credible.

Pigs are very intelligent animals, so perhaps they knew exactly what they were doing?
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Rats are omnivorous and are known to eat dead human bodies.

Dogs are omnivorous and have been known to eat dead human bodies.

Pigs are omnivorous so, if someone drops dead in front of them, why wouldn't they follow suit?
According to this thread-


pigs are known disposal units for less than scrupulous individuals. And I thought all pigs were like 'Babe'...;-0
one way to get rid of evidence after a crime
I've kept pigs and this is about as likely as them flying.
I just don`t think a pig would bite into such a huge lump of meat (a human). I know they`re omnivores. My father`s pigs used to be fed on swill that was collected every morning from the local hotels (meat and veg) but I just can`t imagine a pig eating a human body (unless it was already cut into small pieces).

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