How can we stop crossword questions from cluttering up the Quizzes and Puzzles section? There is already a seperate crosswords sub-section.
There has been a on going topic about this in Q&P that has generated a lot of traffic.
Can you simply set up an automatic delete of questions related to crosswords that are entered into the Q&P section?
Otherwise, will you stop me from entering braindead entries for crossword solutions in the sport section? ( No of course I willl not do that.) But, what is the difference. The croossword fanatics have their sub-section, what can we do to make them use it?
Wel you all know what I think of crossword fanatics who don't even bother to try to work them out..... I thought giving them their own category would keep them out of our hair, but apparently not.
Most of the time they are not crosswords at all , but are put in this section because people have been told off for asking for quiz answers too soon and get others to finish it so they can enter early .I've seen half a quiz I have only just bought being asked answers for all at one time. I admit I need help at times but only for maybe a couple of answers that I relly can't get ,but always in the right section as a last resort.
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Crossword questions cluttering up Quizzes and Puzzles