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can we keep chatterbank seriousstuff free please?

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dotty. | 22:45 Fri 05th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
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23:01 Fri 05th Oct 2012
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i do parkdale, i really do
starby - go and get your cocoa.
Wrong thread. I posted a new thread and it ended up here.
If you're so serious about Garth, surely you're being hippo critical?

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I listen to him probably around 4 hours a day every day, i know every tone and timbre and inflection in every one of his songs

That is just not normal but I am guesing you know that already?
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because you posted a criticism of a specific ABer and we are not meant to single each other out, hence my OP being rather general and ecumentical even.
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it's normal for me
It's a question and answer site - Chattterbank shouldn't even exist...
So why are you posting in it?
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we answered that criticism in 2006 which is when they brought it back
Chatterbank gets answers..................not usually the expected ones, but definitely answers.
Yeah before that all the miscreants just decamped to Body and Soul after it was shut down ;/
I like CB, if others don't then they don't have to join in. I rarely have anything to add to the more serious posts, even if I do read them.
I wonder if it would be possible to have 2 'Latest posts' one of them dedicated to chatterbank?

Serious questions would then stay in the other 'Latest posts' longer.
Can't stand cocoa lady j. But I must admit it is time to go to bed. So night all.
Good night Star
I would lump 'jokes' in with chatterbank

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