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OMG who's this twerp on newsnight!

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dotty. | 22:42 Fri 05th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
defending abdul wotsit! he's appalled about the discomfort he's been under in belmarsh,


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poor hooky dont you just feel sorry for him ? ha ha, its going to be a lot worse soon sunshine when you get to the US and no one deserves it more than you ! safe journey and good riddance to bad rubbish.
06:40 Sat 06th Oct 2012
Probably one of his solicitors !. A disturbing feature of these cases is that the lawyers don't just run up big bills of costs (that's their professional duty in legal aid cases!) but get intensely involved, to the extent of being emotional about the man they are defending and his cause. It's to be hoped that the counsel they instruct have a little more detachment, but that's not to be banked on. Once the detachment goes, the case goes.
I've not seen Newsnight but perhaps the relevant person was suggesting that locking someone up, in extreme conditions, for 8 years (when he's not been convicted of an offence) could be somewhat questionable?
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LOL @ High ;-)
"extreme conditions" please lol . he will have been afforded the best pc conditions available ! his lawyers will have made sure of that. extreme conditions are for the ordinary people held under dubious circumstances!!
poor hooky dont you just feel sorry for him ? ha ha, its going to be a lot worse soon sunshine when you get to the US and no one deserves it more than you ! safe journey and good riddance to bad rubbish.
However much you dislike someone if they have committed an offence charge them, if they haven't don't keep them in prison for 8 years.
That being said I'm perfectly happy to see the back of him,as I don't think he's a wholesome fellow, but we mustn't allow our knee jerk dislikes and reactions to cloud the manner in which we treat people, and any form of internment is 100% wrong.
nox whilst he has been in prison he has been recruiting for his cause.
and your point is dee sa?
The Abu Hamza topic has been well and truly discussed. He is now gone.

Now let's turn our attention to Abu Qatada.
Discomfort - I bet he had the best of everything !

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OMG who's this twerp on newsnight!

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