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Ever seen a parking space like this?

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MissCommando | 21:56 Sat 06th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I've never seen parking like this!



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No shots of the kitchen though DTC.....
agree - a little cluttered for my taste, but that's cosmetic.
I know.....or the bedrooms/bathrooms
Showing their best side aren't they?? Fabulous frontage and aspect though....
This is my favourite bungalow....................

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craft, that's nice too. I can't believe a house that expensive would have such manky lightshades lol.
I registered for the PDF - 8 bedrooms (no pics), 3 room kitchen 33ft by 16....(no pics).
where are the flying geese on the wall, craft?
What happens if there is an electrical failure or fault?
Could it flood?
Blimey I wonder how much the Council Tax is, probably my whole months pension. I'd have to re-do the bathroom, and the kitchen looks a bit bare. The parking system maybe OK, but will you need a blowtorch on a freezing cold day or six inches of snow?
That is more my style craft, I could cope with that.
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I can imagine that parking arrangement going very pear shaped for me a some point!
what happens if it jams and your car is stuck below? beautiful house.
Wow, bags I not to have to drive off the top shelf :-)

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