I know this may sounds stupid but what can I put on my mums grave? She passed away last month and we were very close as I am still young, I want things to put on her grave that will stay there and last, making her grave vibrant and "positive" just as she was but I don't really know what to put other then flowers.
Saw a simple engraving on a stone recently, said it all.
'With you I would have been nothing, without you I am nothing.'
I see meaning as - you gave me life so with you I depended on life, but now you are gone I am floating on a sea of heartache and therefore feel I am nothing.
Remeber time is a magnificent healer but the words will be there for you to read always.
Iv just been to my grandads grave very upsetting for me .I saw a windmill and thort my grandad would laugh at someat like that so im gunna buy him one im sore up there he will be watching and saying you silly sod lol put i miss him more everydayxxxxxxxxx
windmills are good there really ant much you can put on a grave accept flowers. on my grandads hes got a cat and dog orinents why dont u lamanate a picture and put on on you mums grave and put something to hold it down with and in cold bad weather it wont get wet and it wont blow away aw you could go to homebase or sumat and get some flower bulbs and plant them ur self i was thinking of doing that for my grandad.hope iv kinda help you x
I'm researching this myself for my Mum. It's a good time of year to plant crocuses and daffodils (both bulbs) to come up in Feb and March to brighten up after the Winter. Seem like tulip bulbs will flower late spring and so provide colour to follow on. Over the winter you can get beautiful silk flowers to brighten the area. My thoughts are with you as I was also v close to my Mum All the Best Nigel
Sorry Louise, hadn't read the early post that said the grave had not settled fully. It will take about 3-4 months for the soil to settle so by next Spring you should be OK if you want to plant. Our local council allows 18 inches in front of the stone. I am placing stones around the edge of this. Check with your cemetery dept. You can put some bright silk flowers on over the winter, you can get some really lovely very realistic ones !!
I assume you are nearby so can tend to plants but bulbs won't need much tending. Once the earth has settled you can plant (in Sept/Oct) a combination of crocuses, daffodils and tulips to flower from spring (Feb)onwards.
Later on during summer onwards you can place fresh flowers or flowers in pots.
Around Christmas, you can get lovely holly wreaths with bright berries decorated with bright bows. The artificial ones actually look v good and last better.
Grieving is a very personal thing. I live a long way away so on special dates light a candle and take her scarf and coat when I visit her grave.
I personally love the idea of placing a little stone from places that my Mum loved each time I visit. It's a little offering that links my life to her.
Make sure you really look after yourself and get support from your friends and family.