We have it a lot when we are in Italy. I peel it, cut into cubes. Fry some garlic and onions in a pan. Add the marrow and cook for around 5 mins. Add a tin of peeled tomatoes and cook for around 30 mins until the marrow is tender. Add some fresh basil, salt and pepper.
Or you can stuff it. Fry some onion and garlic. Add some mince and brown. Add peeled tomatoes and cook for around 10mins.
Cut the marrow in half and then half again. Scoop out the middle and place in a baking dish. Spoon the mince into the marrow. Cover with foil and cook for around 30 mins. Remove from the oven and top with breadcrumbs and parmesan and cook for a further 10 mins.
I have to admit to being in the bin it camp, but there again my Mother thought it was a good idea to BOIL marrow.....no wonder I'm scarred!
I'd cut it into rings, scoop out seeds. Fry onion & garlic, add bread crumbs herbs of choice and grated cheese. Fill cavity, sprinkle with more cheese, bung in oven for 25 mins.
If having lamb a mint & feta mix good, if roast chicken thyme and parmesan, if beef don't insult it with marrow on the same plate.
funnily enough, we were discussing marrow in the pub this evening - long winter nights are obviously upon us.
Marrow rum seems popular; slice one end off, scoop out the seeds and stuff the cavity with demerrera sugar, poke some holes in the other end and put the marrow in one (clean) foot of a pair of tights. Hang it over something to strain for a couple of days.
Saw top off marrow and scoop out seeds, leaving all flesh.
Fill with demerara sugar
Replace top and seal with tape.
Hang in a very strong net from the a ceiling (Garage/utility etc)
After two weeks remove top, top up with sugar and hang again. Leave for another three/four weeks.
When the marrow begins to drip from the bottom, make a hole by the drip, collect the liquid in a bottle and cork well, leave to ferment.
THE HARD PART: leave for a year before drinking.
The older the marrow, the better the rum. The more marrows you have....
Have it for supper instead.
Lightly boil some marrow pieces - not fully cooked just softened.
Add sauce made of butter fried garlic, chopped tomatoes, fresh thyme and parsley (lots) until saucified. Season.
Pour over marrow, cover with breadcrumbs and grated cheese, bake for 40 mins in mod oven.