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boring ole me

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Connemmara | 01:08 Tue 09th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I just want to tell you that whilst I have been on here (physically) for the last 30 minutes I am using an electric toothbrush. I have started to use this in the hope that my problems of achy mouth and gums and teeth will ease. I do have to say that I have a towel around my shoulders because water emits from the brush and for the first time in some time no blood. Every morning (before) when I scrubbed my teeth with a manual toothbrush I managed to project a lot of blood. Do you think I will get "better" without going to the dreaded dentist. Haven't seen any of J9PUR postings lately.

Just going to B E T (oh sorry B E D) see you in the morning. TA RA


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Connemara an electric toothbrush is great, after using one for about 3 months my dentist thought I'd stopped smoking.
I always use an electric tooth brush Connemmara and I hope it's paying dividends as I have a dental check up this morning.
I really hate dentists. Last time I went I was told my teeth were ok but all my gums had to come out.
lol :0)
My sis's electric toothbrush suddenly began to start vibrating on its own, and scared the living daylights out of her.
She was able to return it and get a replacement, but had to reassure the PO (in N Ireland) that if it started up in the package it wasn't anything sinister.
Well done connemmara - keep it up, and your next trip to the dentists won't be so scary!

BTw - why the heading of Boring Ole Me? not at all!
Apparently if you brush vigorously it will bleed and look dramatic but if you persevere then athe gums will not bleed - they are just inflammed. Well thats what my dentist told me.
What electric toothbrush do you guys have? I'm thinking of getting one.
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China mine is about 2 years old but when the original brush became "warped" I never got around to getting replacement brushes until recently. Just looked there mine is Philips Sonicare. So it was lucky that I was able to get the replacement. Boring Ole Me is because I am sure people are sick of me harping re this dentist.

PS My next door neighbour (male) he told me loves going to the dentist - in fact he falls asleep!!!! Me, I am a like a strung bean (if there is such a thing).
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Parkdale sorry, should have said in last posting. Good luck re today - hope all goes okay for you.
I don't like going to the dentist. I'm not at the point where I feel the need to be sedated before hand but it does make me feel anxious when I go. I don't really know why though, my past experiences with dentists have not been horrific or anything.

I think there's an oral B electric one that I saw advertised. I don't watch actual telly much (use catch up services) so haven't seen the advert again! It looked like a good one. But I am a sucker for a flashy advert.
i'm not surprised you bleed of you brush for 30 minutes
Go for the cheapest model by Oral-B or Philips. All the others are a waste of money (paraphrasing Which? results!).
Mine's a Braun Oral-B China, and I can definitely feel the difference between using it and an ordinary toothbrush. Because I smoke I do tend to clean my teeth quite a lot.
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Hi Bednobs - believe it or not my teeth have not bled (is there such a word) since I started using electric - the electric actually gives me relief in that they gently massage my gums hence the 30 minutes.
Thanks for recommendations :c)

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