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Apparently I'm Quite Well Off

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joggerjayne | 09:01 Wed 10th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I've had an email saying there's been irregular activity on my Barclays Account.

If I send them all my account details (just to prove my own identity, obviously), they will sort it out for me.

That's nice of them.

The best bit is ... I didn't even know I HAD a Barclays account!

I obviously have money in more places than I realised. I must be quite well off. I wonder if I have any money in Coutt's?


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... I'm not sure if this is getting off the topic of "I'm Quite Well Off" or not
Interesting stuff jno :-)
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jno ... having a little pink penguin with 8,000 nerve ending counts as "quite well off".
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I don't think I can start calling it "the little pink penguin" when English is not my BF's first language.

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Apparently I'm Quite Well Off

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