I am hoping someone will be able to give me an idea of any help I may be able to get from Social Services.
My 80 year old mother has to have a hysterectomy in the next few weeks and I have been told that she needs someone with her for the first couple of weeks. I work full time and also have to help my sister who has cancer. I am not abe to take a lot of time off work so I am now starting to worry about how I am going to manage.
Can anyone help me with this ?
Phone the hospital where your mum is booked to have her operation and ask to speak to the medical social worker, explain the situation to him or her and ask if they can help with either a rest home place for those weeks or some sort of carer package on your mum's discharge from hospital after surgery.
... and just to add to daffy's excellent reply - if you feel that you are not getting the support you need from the hospital, then ask for the number of their PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) co-ordinator. They will be able to push the right buttons to get an appropriate discharge 'package' arranged.
In my experience, Social Services don't offer a great deal but you could possibly top it up by getting extra help from elsewhere. Try ringing Age UK. They have contact with all the other charitable organisations who might be able to help.