Dot's got a strange understanding of mathematics if she thinks that you can't have more than 100%. (Example: A pint of beer used to cost £1. By the time it reached £2 per pint the price had risen by 100%. It's now £3 per pint, so that's an increase of 200% on the original price).
Society is extremely optimistic if she's hoping to get a loan with an APR of 0.2689%!!! If it had been a credit card, 26.89% might have been about right.
2689% is the correct figure for Wonga's loan rate, although it varies depending upon the length of the loan. (For very short term loans it can be above 3000%). Wonga are actually to be praised for providing a service which is useful to many people, while never hiding their charges. (They even describe their APR as 'huge'):