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Skydive chest cam

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bibblebub | 12:51 Mon 15th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
this shows just how much Felix was spinning as he descended


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i can't get a perspective on that at all.
Oh look, a lunch-covered keyboard...
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the camera is on his chest pointing up towards his helmet but he is descending head first towards the ground
feel sick....
i got to 43 secs before i had to stop it
Wow and blurghhhhhhhhhh
so why is the earth seeminly spinning so fast but he seems to be staying the same way up?
I thought that the Earth was bigger than that. It does not look very large to me here.
that's because he's in the stratosphere
I couldn't watch that - made me feel quite dizzy. However, I do find it a miracle that he had such a huge target yet he was able to land pretty much where he intended. He could have ended up anywhere!
It's such a relief when he controls the spin !
If you have Google Earth you can see the earth from the jump height and follow him down.
The two white patches are at 33° 17' 23.5" N by 103° 52' 44.6" W.

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Skydive chest cam

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