thought I might have some cheese and crackers for a nice big piece of really strong nippy..just as like fridge door and it is gone !! I know exactly what has happened.. my other half will have binned it as there may have been a bit green on the intead of just trimming the rind the whole lot goes in the bin ! GGGRRRRR..he keeps chucking out perfectly good food..he is a bit of a Howard Hughes in that respect but it infuriates me..I hate to see good food wasted..and I had to make do with pate....anyone else have this problem ?
My OH is a fricken nightmare when it comes to sell by / best before dates. If it looks all right and smells ok to me then it's fine. Six+ decades and I'm still here!
my oh always pushes things he does not like to the back of the fridge. salad, yog, creme fraiche, most cheeses. have to sort through fridge on daily basis
When I was a kid we didn't have a fridge just a large "cold" stone slab in the pantry and one of those mesh fly proof boxes. and cheese always had to be trimmed to get rid of the mould.