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Dee Sa | 23:29 Wed 17th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
all day today after about 10 mins on A/B sounds comes on for no apparent reason and adverts are played really loudly why ?never had problems with sound before.
Just going to take dogs out be back later.


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F knows what they are for (I've seen the head one before, but can't remember what it does)...

I soo like nice clean installs of windows when you only get the standard icons... they work and it's easy to support users.
Doesn't the cup of tea 'suspend everything whilke you take a break? I'm sure i've seen that one somewhere.
If you hover your mouse over them, they usually give you a clue.
Wasn't the suspend everything while you take a break a coffee cup... I've not seen that for years though!
There might be a little white arrow in a blue circle. Click it and look for a thing that looks like a grey speaker that's sort of facing you with little soundwaves coming off it.
Cor that first one is v loud, Mam!
I always wondered what that speaker icon taking up 3/4 of my screen was for... now I know it adjusts the volume ;)
Well I'll be.......a grey disc has appeared.....hovered over it and it says volume. Wasn't there earlier. Now I can mute! Thank you. x
*waits for a thread tomorrow from gness saying that there is no sound on her computer* ;-)
Were you on your broomstick whilst hovering G?
Well as I didn't know it had sound I won't miss it.....but then I was the one who didn't know video cameras had sound when my sister asked me to record her wedding. If I had known I would never have mentioned her new MiL's huge bottom and awful taste in hats.
Hovering......and all in black Shoota. x
Want some help to get that child.......?
Mmmmmmm. Thank you. ;-) x
You're winking at me......
Still practising.........;-)
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thank you all very much for the input and I thought it was just me !
I will contact Mr Ed.

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