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Thar she blows!

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sandyRoe | 07:53 Thu 18th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Has anyone actually read Moby Dick. It was first published 161 years ago, according to Google.


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I might have put that better.^ Somebody must have read it.
I meant, have any here in AB read it?
hello Sandy.
i read it about thirty years ago, it is one of my favourite stories.
call me ishmael
years ago, can't remember much about it, though several films have been made i believe.
Is that the one that begins "There was a young girl from Nantucket"?
Read it years ago, probably as a new release :-)
I read it many years ago. It is a wonderful book.
I thought Moby Dick was a STD you didn't talk about.
I can't read
Then buy a "Teach Yourself to Read" book.

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Thar she blows!

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