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The victim had a white stick, did his assailants need one, too?

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sandyRoe | 15:55 Wed 17th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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It would appear so, sandy.
I live 2 miles from Chorley, there are several rumours doing the rounds locally that the real culprit with the samurai was actually left to it.
I simply don't have the words, unbelievable lack of common sense judgement and yes eyesight :-(
That is appalling, how could they not tell the difference. I feel so sorry for the blind man.
Don't you have to get quite close to use a taser? :-[
Where is kerosene now?
""I hit my head on the floor, then this policeman came around. I said 'I'm blind, I'm blind. I'm blind'.""

Bet they thought they'd blinded him too!
perhaps the poor chap was also rather hard of hearing, so didn't hear them say stop. I don't know how one confuses a sword with a white stick.
Good gracious what an awful story - poor man, he wouldn't know what was happening. Mistakes can be made but hardly this!!!
Another reason not to give them all guns.
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He should think himself lucky it was only a tazer they used on him.
There was a Scotsman having a drink in a London pub and someone reported he had a gun in a bag. It was only a table leg but that didn't stop the police shooting him dead when he went outside.
more from the local paper, they actually handcuffed him behind his back.
plod should've gone to Specsavers!

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The victim had a white stick, did his assailants need one, too?

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