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weecalf | 19:07 Thu 18th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Bank manager told me yesterday that because Im a tax payer I have to pay 20% on anything my money earns .So then she explains the interest is 2% gross 1.5%. No problem I got plenty .


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i guess when you say 0.5% is the tax it sounds better : (
Start up a Coffee Shop business with a U.S. owned name and import your coffee through a Dutch subsidiary and bank in Switzerland and you may never have to pay tax again !
2% gross should be 1.6% net - it's reasonably competitive but I agree that neither the gross or net rate will generate much income unless you have tens of thousands
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So the lovable banks are tax collectors .
this is not something new weecalf - you have always (well, not always of course, but near enough) had to pay tax on any income that takes you above the threshold
I wouldn't blame the banks for that weecalf- most shopkeepers/traders (VAT), employers, pension providers, petrol stations, insurance companies (IPT) are unpaid tax collectors
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I know factor not really complaining but I did not honestly think the interest was so high .
The interest isn't high, interest rates are really low - the 20% is the tax which the taxman takes from the interest you earn. We all do it.
Yep me too weecalf, I think I earn about £100 too much pension, and I've worked and paid into it for years not to mention being taxed.

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