Debt Co Chasing
I posted this in business & fin, not getting many answers, would appreciate some advise. Hi. My house was repossessed 4yrs ago, and among other debts, I left behind a second charge which had been brought about by a debt co who had taken over a credit card debt of around £4k. They rarely bothered to chase me when I left. I didn’t go into hiding, I rent a house and pay taxes, council tax and I’m on the electoral register, so I would have thought I would be reasonably easy for them to trace me. I was self employed at the time of getting into these debts, and shortly after I began working for my previous employer. I didn’t at anytime inform any of my creditors who I worked for. Recently however, this particular debt co keep ringing my work number. When they finally got through to me directly, they insisted I confirm who I am, but I kept asking them how they got my number, but they refused to tell me. I didn’t necessarily confirm who I was, so they then said they were satisfied I was Mrs X, and hung up. Firstly, can anyone advise how they may have got my work information and secondly what they may do next.
I didn’t go bankrupt, as I didn’t have the money, and strangely enough, after the creditors sent letters for a while, they eventually stopped.