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Mayhem in Cardiff

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Dee Sa | 17:33 Fri 19th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Just heard on the news guy in white van has knocked down 11 pedestrians how on earth could that happen ?


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Seems he drove around targeting people at random.
^ wrong link
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how bizare ? he must have had a grudge against the world !how unlucky was it have been out shopping at that time ? poor victims going about their daily plod minding their own business.
weird - not quite as bad as US school shootouts but similar in terms of you can't begin to imagine what he was thinking.
Will there now be a demand that this type of vehicle be banned as there was for handguns following Dunblane?
It wasn't the vans fault, it was the person driving it.
It wasn't the handguns fault it was the person shooting it......
My husband has a friend on Facebook who knows the 'driver'. He has children himself!! He apparently wrote a status saying "My van is a snake, fair play".

It is so, so awful. I hope he's had a mental breakdown rather than a pre-meditated attack.
The worst part is that somebody died :(
is it just me or does there seem to be more madness & mayhem ?
Sadly a 32 year old mother died and her two young children are in intensive care. 11 others seriously injured its just said on the news.
what a shyte.....guess he will chicken out and commit suicide.
They have arrested him, 31 year old.
"oh and I was so unstable because (fill in the blank but about society)......." - and he leaves this carnage behind.

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