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bloody taxi drivers

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sunny-dave | 10:03 Sun 21st Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
My (honorary) god-daughter's wedding today. I'm having breakfast at my pub b&b before donning wedding finery. Very excited and happy too.

Terrible night's sleep though - what is it with taxi drivers that they can sit in a quiet street with clattering diesels running for 30 minutes at a time in the middle of the night?

dave xx


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Have a great day, hope it all goes smoothly and you have a good time.
Come the revolution, first up against the wall and all that.

I hope everyone has a lovely day and the weather will be kind.
Had your suit shrunk btw?
Have a good day Dave, hope the weather cheers up a bit.
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Have a good day, dave. Enjoy yourself. And yep I've noticed that with taxi's as well.
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one notch out on the belt - but otherwise no disasters ... yet
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Don't wear the belt, dave !
mmmm Dave in braces instead, very suave. x
Have a good day. My personal fave is the taxi drivers who pull up outside the pub next door and use the horn to let them and everyone else know they are waiting.. at 2am its annoying
^^ It's also against the law!

Report 'em!
Yeah they do seem to have a fetish about their horns, fluffy lol.
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There was a thread some time ago about taxi drivers and their horns.
If you phone for a taxi, then why can't the folk be ready for the taxi?
Some of our local ones switch off their engines when they're on a break but only if it's warm enough :-)
Morning Dave....have a lovely day. Staying tonight? Bucket of water out the window? x
Have a great day at the wedding and hope the sun shines for you Dave ...
Have a lovely day Dave and congrats to god daughter and husband-to-be xx

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bloody taxi drivers

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