The fireworks thread has prompted me to ask this. There seems to be a fashion for Chinese lanterns to be sent up at weddings and on other occasions. I think they should be discouraged, as they can pose a danger for livestock and birds.
How do you feel about them?
we are supposed to notify the coastguard if they are set off around here, as they sail out over the Channel and the lifeboat has been launched more than onece, as they look like distress flares.
You can get them with thin bamboo fittings instead of wire. These would have less environmental impact.
They do look nice, but not to be flown in high winds or when there is a danger of fire. The flame should go out before they come down.
Same as you Anne; they're dangerous and foolish. Another example of people only thinking of themself and not giving a damn for anyone else because they look pretty! Does a house going up in flames or an animal with these wires stuck inside it 'look pretty'?
I think they should be banned along with the helium filled balloons you often see soaring into the sky. Both are extremely dangerous to livestock and wildlife, and the lanterns can cause fires.