My neighbour has just replaced the fence which divides our properties (the old one collapsed. It has been erected in completely bare wood, no stain, paint or any protection. Is it now down to me to 'decorate' my side? I have large shrubs which will make access difficult.
If your shrubs are nice, just leave it as it is. The wood will weather naturally: if it's good enough to stand the test of time it will go a silvery brown. If it's rubbish and rots away then they'll just need to replace it again!
The only bits you need to be concerned about are the posts from 150mm above ground level down to the earth. They will rot (or not) long before any of the rest.
Most timber these days sold in Timber merchants and B&Q has been pressure treated -it looks 'bare' but isn't, the protection is right down inside the grain. You could harm your plants by putting a stain on and its not necessary -
not sure where you would stand legally slapping any form of treatment onto his new fence. I would be none too chuffed if you did that to a new fence I had paid for - but if he has asked you to do it - I would say no it is his responsibility to treat his own fence.