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Is Courvoisier Any Good?

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joggerjayne | 20:02 Tue 23rd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Is Courvoisier decent brandy?

Or am I drinking cooking brandy?


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Good one. There`s no substute for a food laugh. I`ll try to remember that when I order a bottle of Verve in the pub. I normally just order a glass of red wine though. I can`t think of an appropriate analogy though.
Sibton - Noble Green Wines. It was on offer though (reduced from £45 to £30)
Thank you SJ x
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SJ ... the great thing is, the waiter is never sure if he heard you right and, if he did, he is too polite to correct you ... the doubt plays across his face ... he goes to fetch the bottle and, behind him, hears four stupid arse middle aged women burst into laughter.
Crikey jj, you're middle aged? Never I don't believe you!
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Okay okay ... back tracks furiously ...

(thinks: I could get away with deducting a few years here!)


Well, look, I don't think of myself as middle aged. But, if the waiter was twenty two, he'd think so, because I'm forty six.
Only a babe!
Maizie if you're interested I'm having a clear out of my cellar and have two bottles of Camus Celebration 1960's (cream label bottling) for sale, plus a few very choice ports, and some old bottled Hennesey as well.
Courvoisier is okay for what it is, it's a pub brandy, but as someone else said of the pub brandies I'd rather have Remy.

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Is Courvoisier Any Good?

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