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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:02 Thu 25th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
139 Answers
Thursday. No fog this morning. My hedgehogs were busy during the night. I won't see any slugs or snails this morning! :o} They've just gone to bed.

Have a happy day everyone.


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welshie its all done thru my insurers M/Than they have been brilliant they have arranged for garage to collect car and replacement car to be delivered here too, they have to give you a car equivalent to the one u own, last time [ 4 years ago] I got a Merc as they did not have a model with same cc as mine, its all insurance way of making money, car was good but then we always had Mercs until Chief Stout couldnt drive anymore.when I lived in Dubai I worked for BMW and had a company car but I never really liked them beause we had "sand"tyres and on the odd occasion it rained the cars used to skid a lot so they used to put sandbags in the boot to stop this.
JJ - she said something like that but it contained a few swear words, a lot of screams and cries of help!!!
Sweetpea - last time I picked my 2 meds up, the surgery gave me the wrong dosage of statin tabs only giving me 20mg instead of 40 and gave me someone else's antidepressants instead of my arthritis tabs.
Time for me to go, so until tomorrow.........

Have a good day y'all, and, if you have one, may your god go with you
It would be a shock to their system DT :-)

Dee, that sounds hair-raising, the skidding I mean.
I was thinking of you t'other day, pulling up at hospital for CS's appointment driving a hummer, no problems parking that!
Take care sweetcheeks xx
i'm off now as i've got some birthday cards (three) to make. not all that easy at the moment.

have a good day all of you.
you too LJ xx
alba lol ! I am the worlds worst "parker",small spaces are a no no. CS had a parking bleeper put on the car when we bought it, it just scares the s*it out of me doesnt help at all.My reversing is legendary in the family,I come out in cold sweats if another car has parked too close and I have to reverse out.
welshie we have megga problems with CS presciptions and the G.P's receptionist who says "leave it all with me Mrs S" is the one we dread the most.
I'm heading to the surgery this morning to pick someone's blister packs up - that sounds so encouraging
I impersonated a reversing bleeper when the dog was walking backwards, I got such a dirty look!
I hate parking.
I changed chemists once because the first one constantly mucked up and they were next door to the surgery/
For pete's sake, how awkward is it to do repeat prescriptions?
Morning all. Running late today - but never mind. Trust you're all well. :o)
you wonder sometimes - the one I use is pretty efficient - however, last time that I was in there, it looked like WW3 had broken out - pills, boxes and packs strewed everywhere.
Morning Naomi xx
Hope you don't spend the day playing 'catch-up'

DT, it seems to happen when the surgery has a new receptionist, which isn't that often and the chemist are really good at sorting it out.
WW3 doesn't bode well :-)
Morning all, not a bad morning, but I just can't motivate myself to get up while it's dark and dismal.
possibly - perhaps it was stock taking - I can't imagine doing that as to all those little tabbies. I was involved in a stock count programme development - we had 5500 product/pack combos and it used to take 2 days - got it down to 30 minutes as essentially it was driven by mapping what were in boxes set to x, y and z coordinates and all the auditors had to do was to random sample the boxes, having worked out how many they needed statistically. It also helped tighten up security as well........
Tightening up security is a good move.

Morning Paddy xx

Time I went to make meself presentable, take care all xxxx
God, you lot! Nattering about hedgehogs at five in the morning! It's like an Insomniac Naturalist Trust. Stupendous news from here in Yorks ~ it's not raining!
Morning all, bit o/cast and cool here (E/Kent) Dogs walked, me exercised, now for coffee and bacon butty, might chuck an egg in as well.
No sign of France again this morning!

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