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Theyre all half cut...

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NoMercy | 15:43 Sat 27th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
How embarrassing...


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actually yes...but its not difficulyt to pretend to be a lickle bit tiddly has anyone seen my hat BTW
LOL,'ve got two threads muddled with me going up and down stairs 20 odd years apart.

Back then I didn't go upstairs, today I did come downstairs....with a bump!
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Fcuk..I'm glad I got out when I did....
Joser as a Budge, me thinks...........hic

600mg, Ibuporfen 3 times between now and the morning, three buckets of water each.
Not muddled Eccles....just didn't want to put Ev off if upstairs had been a disaster. ;-) Back ok?
Just managed to stay awake on the train - Euston was a very real possibulity at one point .

Good afternoon - thanks everyone - next stop the Bham Christmas Market :-)
Fair do's Gness....I have inspected the bruise, it is coming out...tomorrow will be colourful!

That first date was unfortunate, he was seriously fit!!! I just couldn't cope with such a controlling character.....seriously ordering for a relative stranger?!?!?!
Which is what made me wonder what he would be like upstairs Eccles. :-)
Mmmmm, now there's a 50 SOG thought......
oiiii, im totally sober...ish

bloody good afternoon tho, lots to drink, sausage and a proposal
I'm very sorry about the bum squeeze :-)

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