News3 mins ago
Welcome to ChatterBank the home of natter and nonsense on The AnswerBank. You could ask serious questions here, but don't expect serious answersPlease try to keep ChatterBank clear of political discussion and news. There are better categories for these topics.
ChatterBank is a place for natter and fun. ChatterBank is not to be a place for gloom and doom threads regarding current affairs.
I was going to put up a video about politics, and then I thought to hell with it, please listen to this instead (full volume) π https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=OIJ K4nB4Dx 0 ...
Is complete yet another questionnaire and have a face to face with the doctor for the company I did the clinical trial with...and was told I'll receive another £150 for my trouble!!!! Could have... ...
Is have my feet checked again by the surgery nurse π₯± However, she did give me a gold star for the vast improvement in them, would have preferred a lolly thoughπ
I've just washed my car, now it's peeing down with rain π‘
This chatter about seasides and piers has jogged my memory - to a point. I can't remember where the dickens I was. A Vistorian redbrick town north of Whitby, high on the cliffs overlooking the sea.... ...
... where would you go - and why?
It's the first on a list of words here that wouldn't be much help to anyone learning English? https:/ /www.fa cebook. com/sha re/v/1G zQcn4ss n/ ...
Why is it OK for Ab's Xenophobes to air faux questions they already know the answers to, Is it to justify their bigotry ?
I follow this vet on Facebook. It is from Turkey, so you will need to switch the subtitles on. This kitty has a very short Kitty... ...
Yesterday my husband out shopping held a door open for an elderly lady. 'Thank you young man', she said. 'Oh', said he jokingly, 'It's been a while since anyone called me that'. 'Make the most... ...
https:/ /imgur. com/a/H 5BfDBI If you were an art dealer asked to sell the painting pictured in the link how would you know it was a wrong 'un? ...
I don't know whether you have to be signed into Facebook for this link to work, but IMHO it's a brilliant use of Simon & Garfunkel's Sound of Silence as a base for satirical comment. [Credit to... ...
£50 each thanks to the Virgin takeover. What should we spend it on?
Talking about the tragic consequences of a young man's decision to join a gang, the speaker used the words, 'after his unaliving '. Isn't it curious how language can change and develop?
Well it's a bit chillier this morning isn't it! Think those few gorgeous days have spoilt us lol. Still dry and hazy but definitely much cooler. Later on today I'm dropping my iPad off to be... ...
Third picture in link article - a Hindu Scottish Pipe Band π https:/ / /news/a rticles /c778zp mxk56o ...
In case you miss it sir, your advice/help needed here please :- https:/ / eanswer .uk/Hom e-and-G arden/Q uestion 1891248 .html#g 0 ...
It's probably just as it wasn't when the songs would be When 2 tribes go to war, Africa, The lion sleeps tonight and Eye of the tiger. Anyone fancy playing? The Towering Inferno, TM ;- Love in an... ...
Is there any way please of speaking to Royal Mail. I have a complaint. The wait times for the Customer Service are 40 mins and more . But if I wait I get cut off before call is answered. Anyone... ...
I watched the movie of 'Chicago' again recently. The stage show is better but live shows generally are better. I still enjoyed it though. I thought Catherine Zeta Jones played Velma... ...