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Union Jack flag.

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glasman | 11:51 Tue 30th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
On an earlier thread I noticed that people were congratulating Ab Editor for showing the flag at top of page the right way up. As I'm not particularly observant, I was wondering whether the flag is a new innovation or if it was incorrecly shown previously.


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I think that people were congratulating Ab Editor for actually knowing the correct way to fly a Union Flag/Jack, as many of the public buildings/website ahve no idea that there is a correct way.
I think Ab Editor usually gets it right,
however not everyone does!
That is simply not true Baldric :)
You've hooked a Banana Ed, must be doing something right.
I know that there is a right and a wrong way to hang the flag - but I get confused over which is which. I would just hang a Scottish one to be safe - the one with the lion coz you know what way is right.

Wolf, all that you have to remember is that the broad white stripe in the top left hand corner is on shown above.
As long as the St. George flag is plastered over everything else everyone (nearly) will be happy.
The flag as shown here... presumably by our revered SB Ed...could equally be said to be the wrong way up....

There is NO flag pole shown which makes all the difference...fI we assume the pole to be on the LEFT, then it is the right way up...on the other hand if the pole is on the RIGHT then it is upside down.....a sign of distress or even an insult.

As dennis says...broad white at the the top ..when next to the mast....;-)
SB Ed^^^^^^^^?
Contains a useful hint for flag with no flag pole
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I have always loved the Internet for it's universality. Would anyone agree that displaying any national flag on any website promotes and encourages an insular, narrowly-focused worldview?
You've got my vote glasman.
l0l...somebody in authority seems to agree....... the flag has been pulled...mmm not sure how to take that being British..must think about it!...:-q
As some of these replies say, a lot of people do not know which up to put our national flag. All flags should be 'read' from left to right . That means no matter how it is displayed, on a flag pole, wall or anything else they are all the 'right way up' if displayed properly.
I think there are a number of flags which can be displayed either way and it doesn't matter. i.e.Japanese for one?
Wharton, no they won't - St George is for England, what about everyone else in the Union?!

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Union Jack flag.

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