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Good evening all

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NoMercy | 23:22 Thu 01st Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
How are you lovely folks doing? x


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How are you then, NoM?
I'm just having a little panic here.. Just switched on my laptop and everything is gone......
Question Author
Not three bad, DT. You?

Hope it's all okay now, Erin.
Hi NoM, hope you are well. All good here thanks xx
I've had better evenings. At least I am now ensconced on the sofa with a glass of wine and a lot of CDWM to catch up on :-)
Had a bit of a hectic day for a change, but all's good now. Hope you're ok.
Would be better if I didn't have to be up at half five. Again! Still....Friday tomorrow.
Question Author
Spiffing thanks, Vodka. Glad to hear all's well with you. xx
Pretty good, actually.
I am a little bit drunk
How unusual Salla.
For a Thursday you mean? Just a little, I normally wait til a Friday before I get completely ratted.
I am good thanks ! (Don't you just hate that phrase !) but thanks for asking x
fine here, two pints and just having a look around here as that berk Jerry Springer is on Question Time.
Everything's fine now... I restarted it and everything's there... Panic over!! Lol!
Question Author
I've just had to do the same, Erin.

Girl after my own heart, Salla.

Wine and Sofa sounds heavenly, Eccles.

Jolly good, Mark. You imbibing anything special?

No worries, Krausse :)

Life a little hectic, Sher?

Know the feeling, Zacs.

He beats Jez Vile, DT.
who is Jez Vile?
Multi tasker! Did I mention the limo cello as a goodnight drinkiepoos? I've just got back from Florence. Limo cello rules! Whoops, missed out the n....
Hi Nom, did the chores. Went to town, rescued an old lady who was half on the pavement/road. Got home, phone call from school. Drove the eight miles to pick up boy #1. Started making tea, phone rings - have to pick up friends daughter from school (I am contact after her mother). Wonder tea got sorted at all. Everyone fine though. Will go and check on old lady tomorrow.

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Good evening all

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