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Foreign transactions fees ?

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Dee Sa | 08:14 Fri 02nd Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I have had and annual statement from my Asda credit card [they are closing down this credit card] it states Foreign transaction fees £0.75.
I am baffled as I have not been out of the country for three years ! I know its a piddling amount but if they add this to everyones bill it comes to a nice few bob.Once again calls cost 10p a minute to ask them.


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Don't know about the charges dee, but go on this website, you might find the land lone number.
It sounds a very small amount.
There are three possible explanations I can think of.
1. It's an incorrect code- maybe it should be an interest charge, cash withdrawal fee, a fee for late payment, or something else.
2. It's a complete mistake- there should be no charge
3. You bought something on mail order or foreign currency or it's cash withdrawal fee

I'm sure it's not a scam by ASDA
If it was a foreign transaction fee, surely the transaction itself should be on the statement.
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factor its an annual statement 28/10/11 to 27/10/12, so the transaction doesnt show.It doesnt appear on any of my regular statements as I keep them all for 2 years before shredding.
I have never been behind with a payment [ too mean to pay the penalty charge] and never withdrawn any money, the amount for the whole year is on £420.99 so I havent exactly gone overboard.
Thanks rocky for the number will try later on.

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