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Is God great

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Duncer | 01:15 Mon 29th Oct 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
48 Answers
17 minutes in he hits the nail on the head. The genital mutilation of children surely cannot be acceptable in ANY religion.


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cupid you say God doesn't cause wars. I suggest you read the OT, didn't God tell the Jews to invade Judea and that he would help them . Aren't the Israelies occupying land that had belonged to the Arabs for the past 1000 odd years all because God gave it to them.

God gave the land of Canan to Abraham and his descendants see :
Genesis 12.7, 13.15, 15.18, 17.7 . This has resulted in hundreds of wars over a period of 3500 years.
God gave us our will for good or evil . Murderers and saints are both made by God. So God is responsible for everything on earth . It's no good you hiding behind the myth of Satan or we have free will. Whatever will we have was given to us by God.
It seems the Ungodly know more about religion than most of the Theists. Maybe that's why they are Atheists.
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Just in case you have 1 hour 40 mins to spare, you might find this link interesting. Bill Mahers Religulous. Entertaining....
LG, I have that on DVD. Very good.
Wildwood, I've been saying that for yonks.

Bill makes certain assertions regarding the similarity of the life stories of Horus, Mithras and Jesus - from his programme, they all share many similarities. However, I have read elsewhere that such similarities are untrue or manufactured. Do you know of any sites that offer evidence for Mahers claims?
LG, I can’t remember exactly what Maher claims. I will watch it again.

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