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wolf63 | 13:41 Fri 02nd Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
How is the Vet? How many stitches did he require? Are you allowed to go back there or are you looking for another Vets?

How is the Demonic Princess Indi ?


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oooh glad you asked Wolf as i had forgetten - i know she was working yesterday.

Be interested to know as piper was done on wednesday and she has 6 stitches but they went in her belly!!
Hey wolfy xxx

yes she's fine, and more importantly so's the vet!

She's had 5 stitches, done on her side. She's still a bit sleepy, but vet said she will be for a day or two, but she's otherwise fine and eating like a horse. She was probably more devastated being starved for over 12 hours, she likes her grub!
thats brill news Boo, Piper was really hungry too - she is a complete gannet for something so small!!

So yours went in the side as well - strange that they did pipers through the belly!!
Someone was saying Helen that they got asked where they wanted it doing, belly or side. Seems either or can be done? I didn't get asked though.
Lol perhaps with your kitty they took the safe route
Yeah probably, rofl.

She's zedding it on my bed as speak, I feel quite mean doing this to her, aren't we soft? LOL
Very soft my beast was running around as right as rain less than 24 hours later!!!
Our girl cat (years back) was opened on the side too - no recuperation period for her, she was belting round the house again in a couple of days.
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My two had been 'done' when I got them. Merlin is a nightmare at the vet - the threatened to muzzle her last time (I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a cat muzzle) but they couldn't get close enough to her to put the muzzle on.

Frankie (in my avatar) is a big, gormless kitten in a 7 year old cat's body.
Nibble took No1 Son to the vet for his jabs last week - bellowed all the way there, bellowed in the waiting room, hyperventilated at the vet, bellowed all the way back.
All mine are dreams at the vets and getting them in the baskets we just open the baskets and in they jump.
"Nibble took No1 Son to the vet for his jabs last week - bellowed all the way there, bellowed in the waiting room, hyperventilated at the vet, bellowed all the way back. "

But how was the cat?
LOL @ B00, it can be quite disconcerting with a bellowing fellow in the back (and that's when I drive, LOL)
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Frankie is really quiet going to the vet - but he gets really stressed and his little pink nose turns bright red. When we get home he wanders around howling for a couple of hours.

I tried the feliway travel spray last time and it seemed to calm him a little. The plug in thing (which was supposed to stop the sibling fights) is doing nothing to help the situation.
Water squirter when they fight I find works

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