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Operation Yew Tree

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2sp_ | 20:03 Thu 01st Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Not trying to make light of the investigation into Jimmy Savile and others, but how do the police decide on what to call their operations?

Just heard that the investigation is called Operation Yew Tree, and I wondered why.


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Avatar Image 'cos it's got nothing to do with the case
20:05 Thu 01st Nov 2012 'cos it's got nothing to do with the case
There will be one more arrest?
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Thanks boxy, that's really interesting.

I was thinking it must be really hard to make sure that they didn't pick anything that might offend or upset anyone.
Because a Yew Tree lives on for a long time and has many branches?
There must be many "stars" out there with brown trousers.
freddie starr is 1 at this very moment graham-w
Having read extracts from his 1974 autobiography, I wouldn't be surprised at some of the names that surface.
they probably look out of the window and name it the first thing they see.
Does one person make up the names or do they take it in turn ? Up A Gum Tree might have been more appropriate.
I thought that one because they thought it would grow very slowly and most people would be dep[arted this mortal coil before anything substantial would appear?
there is a random case name generator apparently imagine the possibilties

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Operation Yew Tree

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