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How has your day been good or bad ?

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fredkins | 03:02 Tue 06th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Have you had a good day today or a really cr???y one.Go on spill the beans.


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No answers,well I have had a fantasic day.For a normal day this is quite different.I have been off for a lunch in a very quaint restaurant with my OH, quite romantic actually.
> cr???y

You mean crаppy? Not at all. Pretty busy, though, as is normal for a Monday.
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Yes MarkRae that is what I meant but as a well respected figure of the community I would never bring myself to use those words as you so kindly used.
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Other than MarkRae no-one has answered me so I will say goodnight to you all on this thread,post whatever.
fredkins - lousy day
MarkRae - can you 'link' "I don't like Mondays" for me please?
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Wharton sorry you did not have a very good day.
My day was fine first thing then I had to deal with soemone with ' small man' syndrome without hitting him. I managed it- just ;/
You're very kind fredkins, thankyou. I hope you had a good day, and I hope you have a good day every day.

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How has your day been good or bad ?

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