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Daily Mail Rewards numbers..

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splinter66 | 12:16 Sat 21st Jul 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
19 Answers
Does anyone have any Reward Club numbers they don't need??
Have just tried entering mine from DM, and for some reason, they are NOT Valid !! Cheers..


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You can do it all on line;
Go to,
then log in, if you use the numbers I assume your registered.
To the left of the green box where you enter your numbers there is a blue box, the last entry in this box is 'Missing unique number card'
Select this option and away you go, just tell them your card was missing and there's no...
13:19 Sat 21st Jul 2012

is the place to go
Question Author
Thks Balbric, But have called them b4, 1. It costs xtra as 0844 no., and 2. Vry lucky if anyone answers!!
You can do it all on line;
Go to,
then log in, if you use the numbers I assume your registered.
To the left of the green box where you enter your numbers there is a blue box, the last entry in this box is 'Missing unique number card'
Select this option and away you go, just tell them your card was missing and there's no charge.
Here endeth the lesson.
That's too easy Baldric. Ahummmmmmmm
If anyone does have any spare please could you email me one to [email protected] as my newsagent is currently closed due to financial problems. Thank you
One tries to help,

honest guv!
Question Author
OK, all sorted now.. Thks Baldric, you can stop your peacock dance now......
ooooooooooooo bitchy
Always good to see someone really appreciate a little help sir.prize isn't it,
gives one a nice warm feeling, or was that from the dancing?
Yeh Baldric. Happens so often on here now. It discourages further help after some moronic responses. Such as someone who has only ever asked four questions on AnswerBank and then makes stupid comments about peacock dancing (typical 'bird' comment) - they are asking to be bypassed next time.
anyone got todays number for me please
Numbers greatly appreciated at [email protected]
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FYI, sir prize, I was NOT being bitchy 2 Baldric, I was grateful for his solution to my problem and was feeling a bit sheepish as answer was so easy.. As for calling me moronic, you can't talk when it takes you 7 yrs(!!!) to answer a question..
not at all offended
pleased to help
having a chuckle
Oh dear splinter - got it wrong again eh? I haven't been registered with AnswerBank for seven years and so far I have given 7538 answers . . . 7539 with this one. Do you know how to check profiles, or would you like a tutorial?

Joining you in a chuckle Baldric. Good on here innit?
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Think someone needs to get out more..
Yeah splinter, you certainly do.
If you find your number is invalid, it may mean that someone has noted them down in the newsagent, not bought the paper, and then used them. Having the numbers printed on the back is a BIG mistake as far as I am concerned

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Daily Mail Rewards numbers..

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